FyreVM Status Line (I7 Extension)
This extension allows the author to decide which parts of the status line will be displayed. The extension doesn't say anything about the design or location of the status line, but only which parts should be shown or hidden. The design will be handled by a component in the UI template.
This is going to be common pattern for components in fyrevm-web, as it clearly defines the content, but has no opinion about the design.
In this case, Story Addendum is a new feature of the status line and will require further definition. For now it's just a placeholder, but my intention was to allow the author to control any parenthetical addendums, such as:
Kitchen (floating in mid-air)
The following is the current documentation from the extension, now on the fyrevm-web github repository:
FyreVM Status Line defines which parts of the standard status line are displayed.
These parts include: - location name - location addendum - story time - story score - story turn
The author can show/hide any of these with the following statements:
show the location name.
hide the location name.
show the location addendum.
hide the location addendum.
show the story time.
hide the story time.
show the story score.
hide the story score.
show the story turn.
hide the story turn.
The statusline-channel will emit the details in JSON format to be handled by the UI template.
Example: { "showLocationName": true, "showLocationAddendum": false, "showStoryTime": true, "showStoryScore": false, "showStoryTurn": false }
This data will be contained in fyrevm.statusLineContent in the browser.